Mr.Zhang About Art Academy Gallery
Zhang Xiangde Art Gallery (Collection)
----Showing arts and disseminating culture
The art gallery is a comprehensive art museum which has gathered together and is showing as much as 10 thousand museum pieces under more than 10 categories, and integrated three major functions - artistic creation, art collection and art display into one, and also, a private cultural center for literati and celebrities to discussing about art, enjoying tea and meeting friends.
Divided into six stories, the gallery is filled with a rich cultural atmosphere everywhere. The art studio for Mr Zhang to do individual artistic creation is on 5th and 6th floor and his main show room of watercolor on 1st and 4th floor. 2nd and 3rd floors are used for displaying various museum pieces which Mr. Zhang has collected in more than two decades across the whole country, including classical nonesuch mahogany furniture, selected fine pottery works handmade by folk artists, peerless wood and root carvings, furthermore, rare jade, bronze wares, unique porcelain artworks ... ... beautiful, too many things to see. So far, the art gallery has received countless maestros, merchants and politicians, and celebrities from at home and abroad, here, art-loving people are amazed, forgetting to return.
Zhang Xiangde Art Gallery has become beautiful scenery of Longjiang culture......


·Briefing on Art Academy
·Rules of Art Academy
·Member Roster
·Address of Art Academy
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