Information of Painters
Brief Introduction of Guan Weixing
Born in Dunhua County, Jilin Province in 1940, Guan Weixing graduated from the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. He serves as honorary president of the Modern Watercolor Art Academy of Heilongjiang Province at present, director of China Association of Fine Arts, deputy director of Watercolor Arts Council of China Association of Fine Arts, judge of the National Watercolor Art Exhibition, at the same time, he is artist at the national first level and the member of the National Watercolor Society of USA (NWS).
In 1960, he entered, breaking a rule, into the oil painting class of professor Carabobo ?Ai Qin Wu of Romania, and completed his course as qualification of a graduate student. He served in Army from 1964, engaging in the work of amateur art education for long time. During 1974-1989, he implemented his education program for 15 years made by him; as a result, more than 50 people became the members of China Association of Fine Arts and provincial association of fine arts.
He participated with his works in the important exhibitions at home and abroad many times, successively took part in exhibitions in more than 10 countries like United States, Japan, Korea, France, Tunisia and etc. His works have been published time after time and collected. His watercolor painting "First Snow" got Gold Award of U.S., "Friend" Award for Outstanding Work of 126 session of World Watercolor Art Show of United States and "Old People" former U.S. President Award. In 1992, he created watercolor illustrations more than 60 pieces for the representative fiction 揗y Memories of Old Beijing" written by Taiwan named author Lin Haiyin, published worldwide, hardcover with three volumes, which made him get International Illustrations Award in consecutive three years, i.e., 1992, 1993 and 1994.
In 1992, he was admitted into the world's ten famous watercolor delegation by the chairman of Royal Watercolor Society of UK, Mr. Leslie ?Worth who built the society. Worth invited him to join in the Royal Watercolor Society of UK.

In 1996, commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, as a Chinese watercolor painting expert, he went to the "China Art Exhibition" held by Tunisia, in which his 12 elaborate works were shown; as a result, he got a great success.
In 2005, invited, he went to United States to hold personal exhibition of his first time and got world astonishing achievement and visitors paid a record high price for collection of his works, of which, "Old people" won the National Watercolor Awards of the 85th session of USA during the show - "Former President Award", and he was accepted as a member by the National Watercolor Society of USA, respected and beloved by American people, and won the honor for motherland. In 2007, he went to United States for holding his second personal exhibition.
画    种:水彩画



·Fan Chui
·Yubin Go
·Zhimin G
·Lu He
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